Vancouver-area Worm Research Meeting
Vancouver-area Worm Research Meeting
VanWoRM is an all-volunteer meeting organized monthly by the NRRR.
The modern incarnation of Nematode Research Symposia in Vancouver and Burnaby began in the early 21st century through the vision of four graduate students who banded together around their dream, and formed a committee to organize short meetings devoted to worm research in greater Vancouver and the rest of the world. Their hope was that these scientific forums would provide an opportunity for fellow researchers to bond, collaborate, and exchange ideas. Through the volunteer work of the Organizing Committee of the Nematode Regional Research Review (NRRR), planning for regional meetings of worm scientists commenced in the fall of 2004, and the First NRRR Meeting was held on March 2nd, 2005.
The talks were a success and, over the ensuing two academic years, nine more NRRR meetings were held. These casual meetings would not have been possible without the ongoing support of host labs, the enthusiasm of sponsors, the compelling volunteer speakers and the keen audiences who are known to ask good questions. By presenting preliminary results in a friendly atmosphere, speakers are able to gain public speaking experience without the pressure of a larger audience.
![]() Naming contest results (n=30). Thanks to Monica Sleumer of the Steven Jones bioinformatics group for suggesting the current name (VanWoRM). |
Continuing the spirit of an open forum, the NRRR Committee decided to explore the possibility of changing the name of the meeting itself. An online suggestion box solicited ideas for a new name beginning in the fall of 2006, and semifinalists for a new meeting name were put to a vote by the general membership of the NRRR on February 28th, 2007. After three weeks of voting, the winning name was announced on March 21st, 2007. Thus a new name was born, and the meetings heretofore known as the Nematode Regional Research Review were henceforth known as the Vancouver Worm Research Meeting (VanWoRM).
![]() NRRR Committee meeting on October 23, 2006. Photo by Adam Warner. |
Current NRRR Committee Members
You can reach us anytime by writing to .
Marco Gallo Andrew Giles Nick Inglis Adam Lorch | Victor Lundin Tiffany Timbers Mariana Veiga Adam Warner |